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How can I buy tickets for an RC Lens away game?

To support Racing away from home, we recommend you contact our official supporters' associations, who have priority at the ticket office. They communicate regularly about travel arrangements on their social networks.

Sales to the general public will be made directly on the ticketing website, depending on the remaining availability and the size of the visitors' area.

If you have any questions about travel arrangements, please send your request via the contact form.

I'm a supporter of the opposing club. How can I buy tickets in the visitors' area at the Bollaert-Delelis stadium?

You need to contact the opposing club to find out about their ticketing arrangements. Some clubs sell tickets online. If the opposing club does not organize any fan travel, RC Lens, in agreement with the club, will open a ticket office desk inside the visitors' area on the day of the match, where the tickets will be sold. 
For your information, the ticket price is 10 euros, and the authorized payment methods are cash or credit card.

This information is subject to prefectural decisions, which may suspend, restrict, or prohibit fan movements.

I have a voucher purchased on the club ticketing website that I support. Does it serve as an admission ticket?

A voucher is not a ticket and cannot be used to access the visitors' area. It must be presented and handed in at the ticket office (generally inside the visitors' area) in exchange for a ticket allowing access to the area.