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What is the "Aux noms de Bollaert" operation ?

The "Aux noms de Bollaert" operation is an initiative spearheaded by RC Lens. Its aim is to provide RC Lens supporters with the opportunity to link their names to the history of the Bollaert-Delelis stadium, thus manifesting their loyalty to the club and its heritage. That's why, on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the Bollaert-Delelis stadium in March 2023, RC Lens allowed its supporters to have a nameplate (referred to as an "imprint") engraved on one of the stadium's facades, a choice of their own, and to personalize it by adding a first name, last name, a possible date, and a personalized message.

This project is currently no longer available or marketed, as the offering was limited to 90 days, concluding on the 90th anniversary of the Bollaert-Delelis stadium. Internal discussions are ongoing to explore the possibility of new marketing efforts at specific dates, enabling Racing lovers to be part of this project, which brought together several thousand participants.

What is the official sales channel to purchase an imprint?

The online ticketing website of Racing Club Lens is the only official sales channel. Any other website offering RC Lens imprints is fraudulent and unofficial (RC Lens disclaims any responsibility in the case of purchasing an imprint through an unofficial channel).

How can I place my imprint on one of the facades of the Bollaert-Delelis stadium?

To place your imprint on one of the facades of Bollaert-Delelis, log in to your personal account, then on the homepage, select the relevant product "Aux Noms de Bollaert." Next, choose your stand (this is where your plaque will be displayed) and then select your commitment duration. You can purchase a total of 6 imprints per order for your family and/or loved ones. Before proceeding to payment, make sure to provide the beneficiaries of the plaques. You have the choice between a one-time payment or a 4-month installment payment through SEPA direct debit.
Once the payment is confirmed, and you receive the order confirmation email (with the subject "Finalize the marking of your imprint"), all that remains is to click on the link leading to the customization form of your imprint(s). Then, you just need to personalize the marking of each imprint by adding your first name, last name, and describing, for each plaque, a memorable memory related to Racing and/or Bollaert-Delelis. As the Sang et Or arena is a place of joyful fervor, any offensive language is prohibited and will result in the suspension of your order.

Is it possible to choose the stand on which my imprint will be affixed?

Yes, aware of the deep attachment of its supporters to their stand and their seat, RC Lens provides you with the opportunity to select the stand on which you wish to have your imprint placed during the purchasing process.

Quelle est la date limite pour acheter une empreinte ?

The commercialization will begin on Tuesday, March 21, 2023. It will last 90 days and conclude on Sunday, June 18, 2023 (which marks the 90th anniversary of the Bollaert-Delelis stadium). After June 18, 2023, you will likely have to wait until the 100th anniversary of the Bollaert-Delelis stadium for a possible new marketing phase to become available.

What is the cost of an imprint?

Two pricing options are available based on the chosen commitment duration:

  • €90 for a 10-year commitment until June 2033 (equivalent to €22.50 per monthly installment).
  • €190.60 for a lifetime commitment (equivalent to €47.65 per monthly installment).

When selecting the payment plan, in the case of installment payments (in 4 parts), a handling fee of €4 will be charged.

Can I pay for my imprint in installments?

Yes, you have the option of either a one-time payment or an installment plan over 4 months, by SEPA direct debit, regardless of the duration of your commitment. The payment schedule and all the details related to the debits will be provided to you prior to the payment confirmation by you. Please note that a handling fee of €4 will be added to the total amount of your order if you choose the 4-part direct debit payment method.

In the case of installment payments, the payment will be confirmed and debited as follows:

For customers confirming their purchase between March 21, 2023, and April 30, 2023:

  • First installment: May 5, 2023;
  • Second installment: June 5, 2023;
  • Third installment: July 5, 2023;
  • Fourth installment: August 5, 2023.

For customers confirming their purchase from May 1, 2023:

  • First installment: June 5, 2023;
  • Second installment: July 5, 2023;
  • Third installment: August 5, 2023;
  • Fourth installment: September 5, 2023.

How can I personalize my imprint(s) with a personal message?

Each imprint should be personalized with, in addition to your first name and last name, a memorable memory related to Racing and/or Bollaert-Delelis. To finalize and personalize your imprint, click on the link in the email titled "Finalize the marking of your imprint." This link will lead you to a form. Please make sure to fill out one form per order number and consider the character limit for each field. As the Sang et Or arena is a place of joyful fervor, any offensive language is prohibited and will result in the suspension of your order.

I did not fill out the customization form for my imprint. Does it matter?

Yes, it is crucial to pay special attention to filling out the customization form for your imprint; otherwise, we will not be able to produce it. The form can be found in the email received after the order payment, with the subject "Finalize the marking of your imprint." Please make sure to fill out one form per order number and consider the character limit for each field.

Will I receive a certificate of authenticity following my order?

A certificate of authenticity is attached to one of the emails received after the order payment, with the subject "Your certificates of authenticity." The certificate is also downloadable from your account on the online ticketing platform. This certificate of authenticity is a guarantee, to be proudly displayed at home, that your imprint will be affixed to one of the facades of the Bollaert-Delelis stadium.

Why is "e-ticket" displayed as the delivery method during the payment step?

Even though no physical ticket is required for the placement of your imprint, which will be handled by the club, "e-ticket" is specified because it corresponds to the certificate of authenticity that is attached to one of the emails received after the payment of the order, with the subject "Your certificates of authenticity" (the certificate of authenticity is also available in your account on the online ticketing platform).

After June 18, 2023, when will it be possible to purchase an imprint again?

After June 18, 2023, you will likely have to wait at least 10 years and until the 100th anniversary of the Bollaert-Delelis stadium before you can obtain an imprint.

When will my imprint be affixed to one of the facades of the Bollaert-Delelis stadium?

After an online customization period, followed by production and installation, starting from the beginning of the 2023/2024 season, your name will be displayed on the facade of our legendary arena.

I have ordered multiple imprints. Will they be placed adjacent?

RC Lens will try its best to have imprints contained under the same order number placed adjacent to each other. However, please note that the chronological criterion (date and time of the order) will be the determining factor for the placement order. Please be aware that each plaque will be numbered (a number to be found in the certificate of authenticity), allowing you to easily locate your plaque on the facade of the chosen stand.

What will happen to my imprint once the 10-year concession is over?

In 10 years, you will have the option to renew the concession for an additional 10 years, following the terms that will be communicated to you by RC Lens. If you do not renew your commitment, you can reclaim your imprint to proudly display it at your home.

Who can acquire an imprint?

Only individual persons have the opportunity to acquire an imprint.

Can I resell my imprint?

No, reselling your imprint is not possible, regardless of the duration of the chosen commitment.

What are the dimensions of an imprint?

The dimensions of an imprint are 8 cm in height and 22 cm in length.

How will I be able to find my imprint once it is affixed to one of the facades of the Bollaert-Delelis stadium?

You can identify your imprint using the "IMPRINT NO." provided in the certificate of authenticity. This number is preceded by the first letter of the relevant stand (for example, "MX" for Marek/Xercès). The plaques will be arranged in the order of the orders, following the first imprint (Félix Bollaert) and the second one (André Delelis) so that each one can be read. True to its values, plaque number 12 will not be available and will be the subject of a message from the club to its 12th man. For example, if you are the 20th person to purchase an imprint in the Trannin stand, the number of your imprint will be "T23," and it will be placed in the 23rd position.

What does this operation aim for ?

If this project primarily stemmed from a desire to allow both current and past supporters, who form the club's foundations, to express their dedication to the club by being represented on the stadium's facades, this initiative aligns with a broader approach regarding Bollaert-Delelis, aiming to transform the stadium into a true living space. In an era of "tokenization" and "sportainment," the club has prioritized a physical, straightforward, and unbreakable connection with all who have, are, and will continue contributing to Bollaert's emotion.