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Frequently asked questions

The main official sales channel for RC Lens games is the online ticketing website:

Specific quotas may also be allocated to our TicketMaster and Francebillet distribution networks for certain matches.

We do not make reservations by e-mail or telephone for individuals.

Caution: other websites offering RC Lens tickets are fraudulent and unofficial. RC Lens declines all responsibility in the event of a ticket purchase on an unofficial channel. Legal action may be taken against sellers and buyers of tickets on these unofficial channels, ranging from a simple fine to a stadium ban of 6 to 18 months.

Regardless of age, all individuals must have a ticket to enter the stadium. 

We usually offer reduced rates for under-16s, i.e., people who will be at most 15 on the event day. 

You will be asked to show proof of identity when entering the stadium. No additional fees will be charged on the day of the match to convert the ticket into a full-fare ticket.

A "Match alerts" section is available on the home page of the online ticketing website, enabling you to sign up quickly for alerts concerning the sale of the match(es) of your choice, whether home or away.

By simply entering an e-mail, the club will send you the information no later than the day before the on-sale date.

RC Lens has an official resale platform, the only one to guarantee authentic and valid tickets. It is available on the online ticketing service.

A "Resale" button appears whenever a match is available for resale. If the button is grayed out, no items are currently available. If the button is yellow, one or more lots are available.

The selling price of the ticket is freely set by the seller, within the limits of the minimum and maximum prices indicated by Racing Club de Lens. The sale price may differ from the face value at which the club sold the ticket. Nevertheless, it is specified that Racing Club de Lens reserves the right to set a maximum and/or minimum ticket sale price for each match and/or each ticket category.

Caution: We recommend that you be highly vigilant about any advertisements circulating on unofficial networks. Some tickets are entirely falsified (altered information, wrong barcodes, etc.), and some sellers have no scruples and sell the same ticket several times.

Other websites offering RC Lens tickets are fraudulent and unofficial. RC Lens declines all responsibility in the event of a ticket purchase on an unofficial channel. RC Lens cannot be held responsible for any scam. 

Legal action may be taken against sellers and buyers of tickets on these unofficial channels, ranging from a simple fine to a stadium ban of 6 to 18 months.

Find out more about resale in the FAQ dédiée.

Les billets pour les publics en situation de handicap sont actuellement en vente sur notre page dédiée.

Chaque personne possédant un justificatif d’invalidité pourra réserver une place PMR / PSH lors de l'ouverture des ventes, avec ou sans accompagnateur, dans la limite des places disponibles.